
Japan Lumber Inspection and Research Association (JLIRA) was established in January 13, 2006, to succeed undertaking related to JAS factory certification, etc., which has hereto been conducted by Japan Federation on Wood Industry Associations.

After establishment, JLIRA submitted an application for a registered certifying organization according to JAS Law to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF), immediately. After registration, JLIRA started to operate undertakings such as JAS factory certification, technical training of quality control, research on the wood industry and so on, expanding to all of Japan.

JAS lumber product which is guaranteed for its quality and standards are necessary for high quality housing construction. Especially, for structural materials of wooden buildings, certification of the quality is demanded. JAS lumber product brings security, safety and satisfaction to wooden house owners and public building owners or users.

JLIRA will endeavor steadily to promote the dissemination of JAS lumber products, expansion of wood users and progress of the wood Industry.

May, 2009

Name :
Japan Lumber Inspection and Research Association (JLIRA)

Purpose :
By means of the examination of wood and research on the wood industry, the improvement of producing technology, upgrade of quality, rationalization of consuming practices, as well as planning for the distribution of these, we will contribute to progress of the wood industry and related businesses.

Registration :
JLIRA has been registered to MAFF as a JAS factory certification organization, based on “The Law Concerning Standardization and Proper Labeling of Agriculture and Forestry Products” (JAS Law).

Has been registered as an execution organization for the disinfection certification, based on “The Regulation for the Disinfection on Exporting Wooden Package Material”.

Has been registered as an execution organization for the disinfection certification based on “The Certification System of Approved Quality Wood Construction Material” which was decided by Japan Housing and Wood Technology Center.

Has made notification to the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as an execution body of specific worker dispatch business, based on “The Law Concerning the Guaranty of Proper Management of Worker Dispatch Business and the Preparation of Employment Condition of the Worker.”.

Regular Member :
Membership is granted to those associations which are engaged in wood production or distribution, and organized at a national or prefectural level. Present members are 4 national level organizations and 46 wood Industry associations localized to prefectures. Supporting Member: Associations, enterprises and others that conduct business related to lumber production or distribution.

2-4-3 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0014, Japan


Certification of JAS Factory :
In order to certify the sawmills applying to JAS for certification, JLIRA examines conformity to the standards, state of quality control and manufacturing process of lumber according to JAS technical standards.

Training Session and Workshops :
JLIRA conducts training to foster qualified technical exports necessary for JAS certified factories, targeting sawmills, kiln dry factories and wood preservation process factories. Further, JLIRA holds workshop for improvement of wood grading skills and drying techniques.

Survey and Research :
JLIRA conducts surveys and research as well as provides technical guidance for lumber quality control systems. Surveys and research regarding sawmills and wood industry.

Certification of Disinfection for the Export Wood Packaging Material :
JLIRA operates certification of disinfection factories on the export wood packaging material, inspection these factories, registering the export wood packaging makers using the disinfected wood materials, managing international standard marks and so on.

Examination/Inspection for AQ Certification :
JLIRA conducts an examination/inspection of quality and efficiency for AQ certification, according to “The certification system of approved quality wood construction material” which is independently enforced by Japan Housing and Wood Technology Center.

Promotion of Wood Use :
JLIRA activities for dissemination of JAS lumber through publications of pamphlets, posters etc., and through participation in various events which are aiming to promote expansion of wood demand and its use, targeting general consumers.

Further, we carry out promotional activities to encourage sawmills to attain JAS certification.

Entrust Projects :
JLIRA carries out projects related to the above activities entrusted by the Government, etc.

The JAS system aims facilitation of agricultural and forest products, promotion of agricultural production which meets consumer demand and protection of consumer’s profit through agricultural and forest product’s quality improvement, rationalization of use or consumption, and it makes proper quality indication for supports consumer goods choice.

The system is to certify manufacturers who are qualified to attach the JAS marks on the products conforming to JAS. Certifying activity for manufactures must be undertaken by a third party, private sector registered certifying organization.

The registered certifying organization needs not be of a certain type of corporation, but is required that it possesses knowledge on JAS Law, fit in ISO/IEC 17065, and its standards and that one half or more of the board members are not from the Industry. This guarantees third party-ness and transparency, and it has become a mechanism which can quickly respond to the progress of technologies and development of new products.

JLIRA is registered as a registered certifying organization for lumber etc., certifying sawmills as JAS factories, auditing the factories and conducting training sessions.

This is composed of two parts. One is a certification as certified disinfection factories which can disinfect non-processed wood used for protection or conveyance of export cargo according to international standards. Another is a registration as registered package makers with the disinfected wood materials. The registered package makers can attach the international standard disinfection mark on the wood package of export cargo.

These activities must be undertaken by the execution organization for certifying disinfection on the export wood packaging material, which is registered to MAFF, according to “the MAFF’s regulation for the disinfection of exporting wood packaging material.

JLIRA has been Registered as the execution as the execution organization and is conducting the certification of package makers and management of marks.